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A frog in the fjord : one year in Norway

A frog in the fjord : one year in Norway

A Frog in the Fjord Publishing

In her international bestseller, Lorelou explores whether an outsider can be happy in what's said to be the world's happiest country. Her journey offers a unique glimpse into adapting to the Norwegian culture, from creating "kos", to dating a Norwegian, learning the language and working with Norwegians. Whether you are interested in Norway for travels, work, studies, or a partner, this book is a must-read.

Cappelen Damm published a Norwegian version of this book in 2017, under the title "En frosk i fjorden: Kunsten å bli norsk". The English version is the original version.

This book was a bestseller in Norway as well as internationally, with brilliant reviews for example in Forbes where Lorelou's book is said to be "one of the 5 most important books to read about Scandinavia".